They say mine is all tricks and witchcraft and I am slowing losing the shit, I could never make sense of what their motivation was but I hate to burst their bubble as well by pointing out there is no tricks and secret associated with the questions they have to answer about the fact they cannot beat up anything around here first of all and need to stop issuing those stupid threats over property that does not belong to them, talking nonsense about civil rights and of course the fact that others have to live in nostalgia and apprehension because of their opinion of other people’s existence which is never clearly explained. I have been told I appear to be mysterious and this gives them something to play with, but I am not; I find it easier to fight back, so they enjoy nothing better than to churn my tummy and claim I am weak, but we know they have been telling such tales for the last 15 years and now need to shut the big mouth and give it a rest as we have been there, needs to give it a rest. So, when it becomes obvious that the kind of Politics, they are involved with is powerful, what we find is that this was the main case and not those abusive insults that have gone from expressing their stupid civil rights in a way that shuts down my bookshop to passing life changing insults at me where I have done the best work for my career, now developing unimaginable nonsense that suggests mine is all witchcraft and tricks. They do say they don’t want to see me show up anywhere around their right hand side which I find very annoying as it has performed this bullying until it shows up in my subconscious to churn my tummy, talking nonsense about the fact that push came to shove did not make its stupidities better off at my expense and that it is I who now needs to afford its insanity a personal space – I find it unbearably provocative but I really do hope the fucking idiots learn from what history has already offered, it needs to stop threatening as there is nothing its stupidities can do about me really, they cannot beat up anything here, they so far appear to require an entire community for it.

They do say that if I told them what they must do, they would follow it on and stop this whole saga all together, but it is the same tale of never being seen making comments about my Public image and career, putting a stop to the business of following me around and never being seen handling any part of my Literary Empire interests again. They have said I say so but my Books make comments about them which I understand is a legitimate concern but it should be noted that they have not read the Books, besides which it was written in a condition where every asset equity and property equity I had to develop was created in an environment where the practical jokes that ensured my finances never looked like the work I did at the Office was at its peak; the part where everything I did was laced with some very vile forms of bullying that could be referred back to a private diary where the intensity of abuse was such that the diary was full and I was repeating the things I had written to cope from years ago i.e. lived it all and was doing it all over again on the bullying with their big mouth, so nothing about the Book will change from its present form as it were, that is if we leave out the 10 year campaign run on their stupid media to position themselves in the minds of the public in a way that suggests it is their insanity and its power that I criticise through my Books, looking for a response.

They do say I have access to wealthy people I should not be trying to sell Books for a living and I understand that perfectly but in like manner, none is stopping them from getting their social and sexual corruption where they usually get it as such – if they stop my career one more time I will live up the warning that I am done tolerating their insults and stupidities as well, I will ensure it became a war between the daddies and myself until this matter was properly resolved. This is how it really would play out, not a case where they got to back up any stupid threats with a big mouth, spending my time rallying crowds to get me into a fight all day long, talking nonsense about what it deserves and claiming its tricks and witchcraft on my part. Apparently, we have found them hang around telling tales which suggest I am wasteful of what I have while the reality is that the idea of eliminating the possession of money on my part to ward them off never seem to have worked - so the point they have made here is that they can still make themselves a bunch of difficult problems for me if the money bits were eliminated.

I have been told that my position is getting worse and worse and it is not; what has happened in the last 15 years is a collection of trouble makers playing practical jokes on me until they wrecked the career and academic work – making statements that suggest my personality can make money at Popular culture but some of us were meant to produce ideas while others got rich with it and then we could share later if there was enough civil rights to do so, which statements I always pick up because they make enough trouble to last a lifetime for me over my own personality and what its uses are, right down to the process of following me around to steal from shops every time I got off buying my supplies. Other statements include the women thinking I should be stuck somewhere learning a trade because there were more superior and better looking boys out there who deserved to pass exams in school chasing money on my Public image – still more statements include my arrival at University hailing a future for every person that will graduate before me and every person that will after me, the latter being a matter of their own discretion – others include the reason they bother me all the time being that they would like to see me get into trouble with gangs and criminals because they want to see what it will look like and this then justifies the destruction of my property and the excuses made which have grown and taken many forms of evolution to finally settle on the type that makes them money and provides them with Media exposure that we have to deal with today. They then spent another couple of years of my time making more trouble for me which ensured I smell of what I ate all the time on Media, so I decided I wanted to live in a neighbourhood that was notorious for this sort of thing and I believe my time in it has now produced results where they got off to fight my battles at the Monarchy, doing my stuff, so it’s done and we are finished, the only reason it’s not yet done however is the fact that Celebrities got involved. The Celebrity bits was primarily developed on getting accustomed to insults that helped to try and become more important than I am on my Public image and every lie will be told to ensure they got it anyway, about which I do not believe what I say which I really say for my audience which they are not, will likely change their behaviour, especially when it comes to the business of showing some respect for my livelihood by shutting down the foolish comments they make about Books they did not write and have not read at this Hermitage and arranging their music tracks in another way, separate from the business of using it to beat me down while I chase my daily concerns using the radio waves, what I believe is likely to give me the results I want on this matter is a case where I took up the effects of the insults I have learned from them and set about applying what I have found out to modify their behaviour.

They do say there isn’t much I can do naturally but I suppose to convince them there is, I would have to run through facts about Politicians spending tax payer funds to wreck my finances because it is thought that people with damaged finances who have dealt with this sorts of insults and abuses over a period of time would be completely incapable of responding to any threat to their persons and or property – they take advantage of this to tell tales about money they make from beating me down with Media and fame all day because it is assumed the products people who live according to those beats put out will be more appealing to consumers if that was the way it was being sold, tales of how the money has power over me, which it doesn’t, as all I need do is set out when the abuses and setbacks it causes began and do whatever it is I can to catch up with that track and eliminate it, doing so which will expose the fact that they achieve this by destroying my property and I believe I have said my piece on the matter well enough as well as it were. The money they make which is a matter of getting all over my Public life to please themselves naturally and then some music studio puts them up somewhere and puts those music tracks through its channels and they magically find a million and a half in their bank accounts, which shows that as a job for what those insults and all that nonsense about me doing something wrong and deserving to be taught a lesson is worth with their big mouth, the idiots were doing an actual job and I couldn’t account for that money better than their stupidities can.

They say it’s difficult to make sense of the fact that I really have no respect for Celebrities at all and I have not as their work of life appears to be the only career where the business of telling others you are more important until they became ill is removed from an Office environment where there is risk of such a thing happening among people who achieved the same qualifications at University and happens randomly in public places with their big mouth and I am now completely fed up with what they have gotten accustomed to, my Bookshop will not survive unless I acted on it. They do love to point out the part where I have access to the Country via a Royal Office which gives me unprecedented privilege and they will continue the insults and abuses and attempts to access it until they can access it as well but it’s incredibly insulting and we know there are Celebrities at the Monarchy, they have come to an understanding that they are not to interfere with such things and do spend the effects of having enough money to buy idyllic backyards and big Houses that let them make sense of the reasons the Queen lives in a Castle away from it but not these idiots who tell lies all the time regardless of what they and I believe I have said my piece on the matter as well. It’s never really as simple as having access to the Country which gives me access to inequality as insultingly as they put it; it’s a matter of people from the Armed Forces who serve the Country getting in the sands and murk and blood of war having a life that you must have tidied up when they returned, bearing in mind they are trained in an academy and probably had even brighter lives before they joined up, apart from which is also the fact that through you, people who fight for the Country should be able to see what they are really doing as a Job. Then there are other Ceremonial aspects such as what we were raised from very early times where I spend time in my Hermitage and the Temperaments feed into the Office of the Duke of Cambridge, especially in terms of activities people work with him on with respect to Natural environment preservation, protection and conservation, to be seen that he will one day be Head of State as such thereof, so people who want to continue running off that nonsense about their Celebrity stupidities confiscating this aspect of my life also need to know they are getting on my nerves and do not have enough fire power to resist me as such. Other Political matters around it include regional matters for instance where I am to administrate any issues that show up at my Office where regional difficulties were concerned and am therefore predisposed to realities such as Scotland being the old genius character who lives in the woods because he wants no part of the modern world and spends his time inventing things, about which we have seen before how these gits show up to tackle me all the time because they thought there were gentlemen everywhere in Scotland and that Celebrities could do what they liked there, except once their bottom started hurting it simply never stopped.

I have been told that I am never forthcoming about the fact the only problem we face are Celebrities but doing so will only produce a result where I resolved the personal problems behind the terrible behaviour and like it is with Industrial criminals, whatever I say and do must be said and done in a condition which maintains those personal problems until there is a change in behaviour which acknowledges them as bad. They do claim that they get to handle me any which ways they wish and no part of it is linked to reality – save the part where they follow me around to blab demagogues where I have done the best work for my career and anything I had done about them is something Celebrities I decided to build fame from and hence need to see me do every time they are trying to get famous, leaving me with the sense that I spend time at the Office serving myself instead of the Public while their need to get the imagination up my bum is supposed to have showed where I was finished or something like that. It tackles me all the time without reason or purpose and each time I had decided to push back as well, it turns out the ace up its sleeves are its children and it is always an idea that handling the Children will lead to progressive results where parents had more rights than the Children did as it were. I don’t think that they are a difficult problem for me as such; they are simply a handful of goons who spend all their time dreaming up what they construe to be their own sense of privilege, especially with respect to people hurting others on their behalf and now their main problem is that there is a woman that spends a lot of time fighting their battles for them at the Monarchy, which if I mentioned will break them but I suppose they never give it a rest either, much the same as they are never seen engaged in a process of drawing up a link between their jobs and their lives and there is no sense they have a job for the purpose of deciding that at some stage in future either themselves or a more talented person in a group will lead or do big things for the company they work for, only the need to ensure people understood they had to be feared because they had an ability to get connected with rich and powerful people whenever they wanted to attack an enemy. I mean it can only carry on until I started to see those co-operatives and shares they buy at high street shops as something which is a threat to me and then when I start the process, she is never going to show up to clear it all out and they are never going to be offered ample opportunities to see how she will do it as it were, like we know that if she does, the racism that follows it will burn me as well and hence it was a good idea that they give it a rest. They do say women fight my corner for me and its utter nonsense; I am a Hermit, not meant to get into the dirty bits because mine is more a matter of being able to accomplish successes that are necessary when and where necessary due to the idea young people create which says achievement is in some way linked to racial superiority or vice versa and I always tend to beat them at Industrial competitions not least because there aren’t a lot of powerful people that want them to win, so I do have my own place but that said, I may not get into a fight but am quite good at getting those who invent the fight stuck in really hard, so they show up here later to chase my bum and it’s all well blabbing, according to history they have not been able to handle me and might want to put it down as it were.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland