There is nothing unusual about any of the recent activities we find from liberal people and their hub which is the democratic party of the US Congress; the reality about it is the same as ever – that they will do anything for money and those who think about religion and the welfare of the Country and the welfare of others are looking for trouble they will dish out soon enough for all those things are crap history i.e. they were never going to rest until they wreck other people’s lives on account of their bad experiences around which they consistently believe other people’s world revolves around, so that they might make out comparative comforts and let it be only and only when it appears they are more comfortable than others are. So when they do it violently the only outcome is the same old question of what their point exactly seems to be concerning what their reasons are of which there never are any in actual fact but for my part it must mean they think they can take me on and since they had bad experiences as it were, it is not clear why they suppose I am interested or what indeed exactly they are thinking as well.

Just as they say I never think ethnic minority interests are worth preserving whereas we know their stupidities pick up a lives work, wreck the academic work and build paparazzi on my right hand side for Industrial hoodlums, then build themselves a stage for insults and abuses to help Celebrities make money on my public image over on the left hand side and the reason is that it is now able to decide which one is trendy and which one is not special and the Public will go to them to learn what is what while they sell things and get rich – all because I spent my life working on a Book and went Public the day I completed and Published it – I have demanded the fucking idiots did shut down without a response so far and the next response they will get will happen to be mine as well, quite obvious I am never trendy obviously.

Still the same case as ever; market violence practiced by white people is about chasing me around to make a mess and then when I put out a product they should have had it free of charge and are now complain I am trying to control everything since I am rather determined this Literary Empire will share a slice of market with them in hell – the other one where they wreck people’s lives to make people less special and then deploy whatever abuses they levy on wealthy people in order to get the public buying products is mostly practiced by Muslims who claim this is a sign of their power over the world these days all together.

I hear they say I am tiresome, but I wouldn’t know anyway, my friends do not think I am and only God knows what they are doing here as well. My friends know that while they have their money to make trouble with all I have is the Royal Property to do everything I need to do with, so the tiresome part of the story does not apply to my friends no matter how much it is raised but you can always preach this story of why they need to leave other people alone for your life’s worth. Its the insults you see i.e. that I have written books but their opinion of me in such that I am scrap excrement when it comes to people who have made positive contributions to society and should be respected thus, hence we end up with this problem as it were, whereas it can always be as simple as the fact if they are not here to buy books their presence here is pointless instead of this other version whereby the entire world has a spectacle.  I understand people really cannot work out what I hate so much about them but that is because nobody is being informed about how they get rich and famous and how they results in such outcomes as being given OBEs for example and when they have such things the reality should have been that they have been recognised for their achievements but because they are a fraud the outcome is that they want my income all the time and want to tell me how to live or deploy the Royal Property to their own ends, creating this confusion people talk about all the time that I have Political views and fanaticisms which prevents me from doing such things as condemning terrorism when in actual fact I have no Political views whatsoever and its same with fanaticisms too and so most of the time the source of their fame will have been that it was done pillaging my public work in the first place, such that if I allow them pick on me in such ways and get away with it I will lose everything hence the reasons we end up with this conversation and of course everybody knows we are done with the part where I made those cultures and community relations famous for them as well because its entire purpose is that their grandmothers want to trap me somewhere and look on me to feel good about life while they want to make famous every single abuse that their croons channel in my direction to make fame and fortune, so that when coupled with this need to abuse me about they had their OBE and stuff, it is easy to explain why it cannot be tolerated. I don’t believe it is a serious matter, I mean their girls cannot do anything unless they are being helped to my earnings and are doing so in order to get rich and famous, while they get to tell me I have trouble breathing whereas I think I am a sausage; so the truth is that half the time I don’t like their black and Caribbean friends and half the time I don’t like them and their insolent daughters and women and how I cannot breathe but think I am a  sausage and they might have become rich enough to make W1 their neighbourhood, it does not actually therefore mean I share this Office with them as well; it is an old story of the things I do to ensure black African and Caribbean people cannot travel to this country with their twisted sense of Politics they want to play up all the time because it will lead to outcomes where the government ceases to have a sense of itself , they have their own as well, the white people who must be around Politicians all the time lest people pillage their livelihood and finances and create them bigger problem but we also hear them talk as though mine is inferior to theirs, so that when they find out yet again like the old comparison of the money they have to make trouble with and a Royal Estate I have to do what I must with, that it is like comparing apples with oranges, they start a media problem that we can therefore talk about. So in the end people might think that getting involved with my concerns will flatter me but most of the time it does not, a lot of the times they are interfering with Court business, so that when they start to tell me I am tiresome I feel as though my chest is about to explode.

Insecurity today is largely a matter of populist and Celebrity freedom mongering characters; the application where I am is the business of being aware of some twisted and evil people that may even be criminals and those who are just waiting by the way side of their activities to decide how I respond to it at a Hermitage and then finding I am unable to control what they do with my person or possession because another group of cowardly boys that never ever give it a rest even though I had my academic work botched by their stupidities that concerns a need to tell me how to exist and to be protected by me, that further gives me to stories about people who are too old to show up at University and so on, have been running of popularity nonsense that allows the fallout of the choices their own stupidities have made to decide how the actions of these individuals affect me. So it goes without saying we have no heard the last of the complains and enmity of Liberal USA, along with various other convenience hunting twerps whose insults and needs are guaranteed to be rewarded by Politicians and Media considering that although they do not fancy how life and women or children depend upon them it is their own dependency that destroys lives while their disobedience had become an asset all together.

For now it’s the provisional processes that ensure each time they had made a mess of the reasons we find women complain at the background of Public activity endlessly, they were dealing with the gangs and criminals and living out the full consequences of their abusive disobedience and I intend to ensure this tool sees to it that they do not depend upon me and snoop around my concerns looking to secure a purpose for my Body type like a distraction from causing them to complain about me all the time has allowed their insanity to start off with Media so far. It does rather seem an invariable outcome that each time these kinds of persons are made to be responsible individuals, they end up fighting violent people for their lives and I do not think it is such a bad thing at this stage necessarily, in fact it appears to be the only means to freedom from their dependency and needs.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland