The other
story of how people wish to pick and choose areas where the Brexit referendum
will apply is of course utter rubbish; it was a National decision and we know
that the majority that made the decision came from the older generation who
have had two dispositions to worry about in the last decade and one of them is
that Politicians are more interested in lining their pocket these days than
they are interested in creating wealth which means poorer younger people than
what the older ones know was the way they lived earlier, the other disposition
being one of the bank of mum and dad making a decision about what will become
of the children’s future. So if bank of mum and dad says Brexit and the kids
say remain like the referendum really happened, I am a loss as per what exactly
the politicians think they can do about that decision when they have not
created enough homes – if older people think the communities are rife with
crime and becoming weaker and weaker and decided Brexit was better while the
criminal children decided to stay, what is it exactly the Politicians can do
about it when they have not controlled crime rates in the communities. In the
end, it was a National decision and we are all
supposed to take responsibility for that decision which by the way was made in
good faith because it was a National decision, not come up with media based
nonsense about picking and choosing areas where the result of the referendum
will apply.
It’s like
when they say nobody knows where I stand, whether I am blue or red; whereas
everybody knows I had to show I could do anything I liked too so as to control
people having a need to make fame and fortune with my public image and then
either ensure I am said to be stalking them when I chase my career or just get
in touch with me again to dominate me with their new found wealth because they
think they are my personal Gods; so I chose a working Court from the Media and
can now shut down their celebrity and popular culture if I wanted it, this
however is not what I want to do, their gimmicks have pushed me out of
University and in the last years spent more time keeping me out of my academics
than it has on anything else, now I am published with a Company to sell the
Books by but cannot even organise an event because I am renting a home and it
is not actually my residence, being that I do not have a mortgage because I do
not have a job; so it brings back everything that makes their gimmicks so
annoying and the importance of taking back the aspects of my public image that
brings about that stupid fame and fortune as well – this then feeds into the
insanity of their Politicians i.e. a shop manager earns about £30,000 and they
all use Luxury saloons and have at least 3 Bedroom mortgages, a Politician earn
twice that while their financial expenses are sorted by the government as well,
new anchors earn three times that as well but have rely difficulty behaving
like civilised persons and regularly need National Media and National
Parliament and National civil service to prove I am cursed, every time they
start ideas based on that nonsense that involved suggestions of persons I am
supposed to offer subservience to, which will then apply they know my parents
are aware there are few things I have done which do not amount to what I want
to do, therefore does mean I do not owe them a debt as such. So that it does
come to the government bits and they will then pick and choose areas where a
National referendum will apply and its incredibly
stupid, really enjoy assuming it knows me when it knows nothing like that –
assuming that it would not have changed its position and complied when I do not
want to see its stupidities around my Books and Public image if it knew I could
catalogue everything I see it do on that stupid media and set about making sure
I did not have to deal with its stupidities ripping my career for fun anymore
i.e. like when they say I appeared to work against society earlier but now
appear to be in a deep mess all together and the truth is that I am a massive
part of society, decided to show I can do whatever I liked as well by having a
Court that was based on Media, in return for that stupid civil rights of theft
and robbery that means only idiot who have ideas about what everybody should be
doing to make them financially comfortable are seen in government buildings
these days and only idiots who have ideas about how they are more deserving of
jobs and financial success than those who are younger are seen talking nonsense
on media to affect civility these days and I am fed up with scum who face the
same challenges as I do and do not pay my bills taking those who process of
treating somebody like a child without being punished, which is what they are
getting from me, as far as they have; more serious things of which have
happened since then anyway – more serious things than stupid talk about
homosexuality as if they are rather convinced that it would be my prerogative a
fuck if I did tell tales about my position on men fucking men etc. it’s never
really a mystery, when we hear them speak of the absence of a difference
between me and lower classes while their bottom hurts like hell i.e. the
problem can be solved if I hurt it more it they cross over to the other side
etc, that way they pay attention to what really matters and leave me alone –
otherwise it is rather clear it’s a matter of their media disrespect and their
celebrity disrespect and their fashion disrespect that continues to do things
that expose me to hurting bottom stuff like laying claims of ownership to my
public image, knowing that worse case would be when they had anal sex while
worse case for me will be when I went off to some really big and bad society
goons who will then stick a knife in my tummy; otherwise its
clear all celebrities really know, all fashion people really know, all media
people really know, all Industry people really know, is the hurting bottoms
that follow them and push them hard for the things we see them do to get by and
trying to be happy in order to sell the goods and services after that – I
myself have made my position clear on the matter, made it understandable to
them I am fed up seeing them on my Public image and seeing them around my Books
trying to keep it for themselves all the time. They do love to blab about
moving into the right hand because I got pushed out of my studies, got
desperate and became intolerant of the celebrity and popular culture on account
I needed to start making my finances secure – but we can see the first time
they got involved with culture and society and took it out of where it should
be and made a mess of it, that mess only ended up in my life so they can
grab my public image while I dropped out
of University, this time it will have been done because they are having revenge
for the fact that I got rid of them and commandeered the financial benefits of
my own public image, making stupid assumptions about knowing what I am capable
of when they actually know nothing whatsoever.
They speak
of being in need of their help on my part and what we are looking at is a
handful of ruffians, having gathered a clique and provided some public place
leadership for it, now has a job in a Company but it is more important now to
try and avoid the impact of their prestige of there being any suggestion of
them working for me or in my interest, so it has in that way developed a need
to handle my equities and assets and do whatever it likes to create profits for
the company and in that way it is doing some management work – I cannot tell
which stage their stupidities that cannot say and do anything while it keeps it
hands to itself, their stupidities that does nothing unless it is finding out
where peoples private parts are for obvious reasons of methods that can be used
to pressure people into giving up industry property developed into something I
needed any help from as such but I can imagine all that media illusion has created
this sort of impression and I bet it will come through to build a sense that
when I sack it my actions have been completely unpredictable as well. it’s like
when they say I oppose society whereas we have too many scum
like these who want to sell peoples personality to celebrities when such
persons have stopped them peddling the religious faith all together – I can
help them with that naturally but cannot guarantee they will not hurt
themselves in the process as well. it’s all being shown some gonadotrophic
nonsense I like to describe as a process of being seen all over my Books and
public image, talking nonsense about what they are capable of when they want
something and those who have it have not co-operated and I have warned them
enough times about those stupid threats too, blabbing inequality after. I am
aware these things are a leadership that Liberal America is providing obviously
but it’s like the Politicians in the UK wouldn’t say they ripping peoples
finances and setting them up as personalities that others can pick on so as to
cope with what life throw at them is threat to life; so am I aware I get out of
bed every day to engage in a struggle with what happens when Liberal America is
stifling my Book sales and has been that way for the last 9 years; I don’t mind
either way, it’s an old story where it has a peaceful initiative associated
with an action I may have taken to set out facts that prove their fallacies
about wealth inequality to be just that since it is obvious when it is done
with such things shall the case of the worlds wealth ending up in the hands of
a few become important never mind the fact of that few majority of them are
conservative people and not Liberals or socialists; we saw it all the time
while they held the White House in the last 15 years, even their President
cannot talk about his own problems by himself without setting it out on
somebody else’s life and we all know the misery that those whose lives are used
to develop those problems so that these fools might see it exist outside of
their own lives to talk about is immeasurable too; it’s an old story where it
will say it lives in the land of the free and has the right to practice its
witchcraft and should I then decide to hurt myself by knowing what is right and
not doing it, such as stopping him, it will eventually lead to outcomes where
his civil rights means I am fighting for my survival in a neighbourhood. Its never really been a problem for me as a whole contrary
to what they claim; the reality has always been that each insult designed to
widen the scope of freedom and equality in the world will amount to making sure
I am prone to being hurt as a result of the involvement of their deviance and
everything they say with it just does nothing else save damage that thing your
wife who is chief doer does to put in order when you set out for work and your
kids do when daddy wants to bring home the pocket money etc – so we are very
well aware of Liberal America stuff but I like to think that the best case
scenario will be one where I set out to prove their stupid theories wrong and
that ends with years of setting fact after fact after fact at their expense in
a process where there is no asset and no liabilities, so they get to understand
there are people who wouldn’t get scratched making sure they can neither peddle
a faith or deploy a public image that is not their own to make money and the
end of it will be a global test of American Liberal leadership as well. as a
whole they do tell me my actions are creating more trouble than solving them
but as far as I am aware, the bit about how when they see something they must
have it and since they last saw my Books and ideas had coveted it, leading to
outcomes where I should co-operate early otherwise whether or not they do I
will be damaged and homosexual etc will be the rest is going to end, and it is
going to end my way or it is going to end the way they want it and I am not
particularly mindful of the carnage that may have done so in the process for my
part either.
it still comes down to my so called sexual habits – which began with
masturbation years ago and whereby when I do, they want to find out whom I was
thinking about and then I will be punished after; we have only just ended up
with an outcome whereby I think of somebody when I masturbate and they are
fighting for their lives instead, so my sexual habits will remain exactly where
they are, they will remain a testament to stupid Liberal leadership and
especially so their need to invent and enforce curses that parents have placed
on kids who have not behaved, to a point where they need the National civil
service and media and parliament for it as it should be.
I. Uno
Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland