So there is lots of talk about politicians complaining and each time they do I am at the centre of their problems; in actual fact it should not be like that but it is since it is clear that the politicians cannot get around their work without harming me being a collection of dunces who now fancy themselves bullies and think no body in the world considers or looks at them like what they really are if they are making use of somebody else, not even the person they seem to be making use of. Then there is the other matter of rich people from the UK moving over seas, with respect to that of which the case was that since I do not have millions stashed away for me somewhere by the Monarchy but have my royal work, the know my books are my assets but it will never cease to be their plaything and now their problem goes far beyond the fact that they climb on media everyday to provide their own meaning for my equities and securities, which enables them to deploy it for their own purposes and make their own meanings out of it, to get rich with those evil claims that the purpose of my work is to work for fame and stand aside for somebody else to use it to take centre stage and put up a product. Now I may have written on my twitter page that they would have put me under if they are able to determine the nature of my fame of course and they act like it is the end of the world which it isn't because I really do not recognise the fame of a group of dunces who fancy themselves bullies and climb up on public places to lay claims to my fame and work all the time and intend to alter the content of those stupid popular culture nonsense on account they continue to handle my property criminally and issue health safety and well being threats at me for it as well, until I have what I want; those rich people that want to leave the UK can get out and take their money with them otherwise the question they will answer me soon enough is whether I did broker my equities with them in the first place or they are just so excited to find somebody they can insult to make a lot of money with. Anybody who has to put up with so much destruction from them because they want to get around with deviant people in the UK MOD, Military and Law enforcement in order to handle my income and get rich would want to put them away permanently like I do (I like to say 'along with their fame freak criminal disobedience and those stupid threats with it') and I will handle that stupid popular culture and alter it until that happens or they can recognise such a thing as a likely outcome of playing around with me and my work and reputation and stay away.

Speaking of which, to all of which I am perfectly aware that in light of what I have done on account of the insults of western men; there is every reason for them to be vengefully angry on account I took away from them the United States as well, since it has always been the point where they can get away with paedophilia, while the US Government fights rings of paedophilia overseas and looses grounds like so at home and now therefore completely confident, that I have no punishment in store for those who steal my causes and income to acquire revenge for them.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland